InformationBroaderKnowledge-IgnorancePresentableEducation-MiseducationPresentableCommunicativeness-UncommunicativenessPresentableSymmetry-DistortionUnpresentableRepresentation-MisrepresentationUnpresentableProblemUnavailability of legal informationExcellentPhotochemical oxidant formationExcellentInformation gapExcellentEspionageExcellentVulnerability of encryption codesPresentableViolation of medical confidentialityPresentableUnauthorized access to computer information systemsPresentableTheft of trade secretsPresentableSuppression of scientific informationPresentableSelective informationPresentableRestrictions on freedom of informationPresentableRegional protectionismPresentableProliferation and duplication of United Nations information systemsPresentableProliferation and duplication of international nongovernmental organization information systemsPresentableProhibitive cost of knowledge and informationPresentableProcrastination of science in the face of the unexplainedPresentableMutilation and deformation of the human bodyPresentableMisrepresentation of information to consumersPresentableMisleading advertisingPresentableMisleading accounting information due to inflationPresentableMishandling of national security informationPresentableMedical deceptionPresentableLoss of informationPresentableLack of financial information systems for international nongovernmental organizationsPresentableLack of farming informationPresentableLack of family planning informationPresentableInternet traffic congestionPresentableInadequate statistical information on tourismPresentableInadequate information on drugsPresentableInaccessible scientific informationPresentableHuman birth defectsPresentableFailure to appear as witness to produce information or to be swornPresentableDisinformationPresentableDefence information uncertaintyPresentableCongenital abnormalitiesPresentableConflict of laws on international restriction of informationPresentableCommercialization of knowledgePresentableAnimal malformation in factory farmingPresentableAbuse of computer systemsPresentableUnwillingness to divulge information by industrial concernsUnpresentableUncommunicative technical documentationUnpresentableUnaccountable management of public informationUnpresentableSuppression of informationUnpresentableSanitizing of governmental informationUnpresentableRestrictions on the distribution of confidential government informationUnpresentableReduced information distributionUnpresentablePsychogenic amnesiaUnpresentableProliferation and duplication of international information systemsUnpresentableProhibitive cost of maintaining comprehensive document collectionsUnpresentableObfuscationUnpresentableMalformationUnpresentableLack of informationUnpresentableLack of accurate mapsUnpresentableIrrelevant available informationUnpresentableInformational and procedural obstacles to world tradeUnpresentableInadequate information on bankingUnpresentableInaccessible public recordsUnpresentableFoetal malformation in diabetic pregnanciesUnpresentableElitist public informationUnpresentableDiscriminatory design of information systemsUnpresentableDenial of the right to receive informationUnpresentableDenial of right to correct informationUnpresentableDeliberate deformation of children's bodiesUnpresentableDeformation of plant lifeUnpresentableCrimes related to national security informationUnpresentableCalculated delays in releasing controversial news itemsUnpresentableAbuse of rights of criminal suspectsUnpresentableWithholding of informationYet to rateUnwanted disclosure of personal informationYet to rateUnused animal resourcesYet to rateUnrecorded knowledgeYet to rateUnpublicized educational possibilitiesYet to rateUnknown alcohol informationYet to rateUnavailability of funding informationYet to rateUnavailability of agricultural informationYet to rateUnauthorized sale of personal informationYet to rateUnauthorized circulation of confidential informationYet to rateSuppression of information in educational institutionsYet to rateSecrecy about pharmaceutical productsYet to rateOffensive microwave weaponsYet to rateObsolete informationYet to rateMonopolization of information within organizationsYet to rateMinimal access to necessary information in remote areasYet to rateLimited job informationYet to rateLimited availability of functional informationYet to rateLack of traffic informationYet to rateLack of medical informationYet to rateJurisdictional conflict among academic disciplinesYet to rateInsufficient information on plantsYet to rateInsufficient flow of informationYet to rateInformation technology arms raceYet to rateInformation overload during control of complex equipmentYet to rateInformation anxietyYet to rateIncreasing scepticism about the accuracy of official informationYet to rateIncomplete skills informationYet to rateIncomplete access to information resourcesYet to rateInadequate public information concerning problemsYet to rateInadequate information on funding needsYet to rateInadequate information concerning transnational banksYet to rateInadequate exchange of technical information concerning problemsYet to rateInadequate dataYet to rateInadequate cartographic skillsYet to rateInaccessibility of knowledgeYet to rateHoarding of informationYet to rateHegemony of visual informationYet to rateGovernment manipulation of public informationYet to rateFragmentation of international documentationYet to rateExcessive neutrality of intergovernmental official informationYet to rateCumbersome methods of policy formationYet to rateConflict of informationYet to rateClassified public informationYet to rateCalculated delay in publication of documentsYet to rateBreakdown in communications due to difference in trainingYet to rateBirth control misinformationYet to rateBiased government informationYet to rateStrategyUsing environmental labellingExcellentRemote sensing by satelliteExcellentPromoting organic farmingExcellentWithholding information on drinking water qualityPresentableUsing the InternetPresentableUsing information technology for educationPresentableStewarding fertile soil formationPresentableSolving hunger problem through empowermentPresentablePublicizing family planning methodsPresentableProviding public information and education on reproduction and healthPresentableProviding information on environmentally sound technologyPresentableProviding environmental information systemsPresentableProviding a clearinghouse for economic development informationPresentablePromoting progress and application of information systemsPresentableProcessing dataPresentablePlanning for communication developmentPresentableNetworking the environment and development arenaPresentableMonitoring migrationPresentableMonitoring food securityPresentableMapping informationPresentableMaintaining futures libraryPresentableMaintaining data bankPresentableLinking users of Earth observation dataPresentableLimiting access to informationPresentableInterpreting environmental informationPresentableIntegrating sustainable development informationPresentableInforming about health effects of climate changePresentableIncluding youth in task forces on environmental educationPresentableImproving information systems on intellectual propertyPresentableImproving data on aid flowsPresentableImproving data and information to combat povertyPresentableImproving business informationPresentableImplementing web accessibility tools for the disabledPresentableGlobalizing information flowPresentableExpanding knowledge resources on health implications of hazardous wastesPresentableExpanding international information on cleaner productionPresentableExchanging information to control transboundary air pollutionPresentableExchanging information about environmentally sound technologyPresentableEstablishing trade information pointsPresentableEnsuring information system integrityPresentableEnsuring freedom of association for workersPresentableDisseminating information on world problemsPresentableDisseminating information on technology safety and accessibilityPresentableDisseminating information on agroforestryPresentableDisseminating environmental information internationallyPresentableDisseminating environmental informationPresentableDeveloping system of information networksPresentableDeveloping smart communitiesPresentableDeveloping public information guidelines on chemical risksPresentableDeveloping networked documentation services in social sciencesPresentableDeveloping medical informaticsPresentableDeveloping initiatives on electronic links to improve environmental information sharingPresentableDeveloping educational informationPresentableDeveloping early warning public health information systems for climate changePresentableDeveloping early warning disaster systemsPresentableDeveloping community-based environmental information systemsPresentableDeveloping and sharing health care information and expertisePresentableDesseminating environmental news onlinePresentableCreating geographic information systemsPresentableCreating environmental monitoring and assessment systemsPresentableCompiling renewable energy informationPresentableCommunicatingPresentableCollecting data on state of ecosystems and human healthPresentableBuilding dependable mass communicationPresentableSuppressing information in educational institutionsUnpresentableSupporting local government with informationUnpresentableSupporting community waste recyclingUnpresentableSupplying public information servicesUnpresentablePublicizing educational possibilitiesUnpresentableProviding public information on effects of biotechnologyUnpresentableProviding physics informationUnpresentableProviding nuclear informationUnpresentableProviding marine information systemUnpresentableProviding intergovernmental informationUnpresentableProviding information service on workUnpresentableProviding information service on parliamentsUnpresentableProviding information resources for economistsUnpresentableProviding information on solventsUnpresentableProviding information on national regulationsUnpresentableProviding information on environmental technologyUnpresentableProviding information on electionsUnpresentableProviding information on biosciencesUnpresentableProviding information on astronomyUnpresentableProviding information on animalsUnpresentableProviding information on adoptionUnpresentableProviding information about forest resourcesUnpresentableProviding dental informationUnpresentableProviding computer network servicesUnpresentablePromoting green sourcingUnpresentableNetworking the elderlyUnpresentableNetworking against arms tradeUnpresentableManaging information chaosUnpresentableManaging informationUnpresentableLinking national educational information agenciesUnpresentableInforming about security and conflictUnpresentableInforming about disarmamentUnpresentableImproving NGO access to data needed for researchUnpresentableImproving access to information for the handicappedUnpresentableHelping monitor food aid supplyUnpresentableFreeing up human information processing capacityUnpresentableFacilitating access to biotechnology informationUnpresentableExchanging knowledge on planetary scienceUnpresentableExchanging informationUnpresentableDocumenting world resourcesUnpresentableDistributing information on cancerUnpresentableDisseminating transport knowledgeUnpresentableDisseminating professional informationUnpresentableDisseminating information on remedial strategiesUnpresentableDisseminating information on qualityUnpresentableDisseminating information on fertilizersUnpresentableDisseminating corrosion informationUnpresentableDeveloping information centersUnpresentableDesigning adaptive information technologiesUnpresentableCommunicating safety informationUnpresentableCollecting trade dataUnpresentableCollecting scientific informationUnpresentableWithholding medical informationYet to rateWithholding information on social security entitlementsYet to rateWithholding informationYet to rateWithholding geographical informationYet to rateUsing tactical informationYet to rateUsing selective informationYet to rateUsing school children as community focal points for environmental informationYet to rateUsing public informationYet to rateUsing meteorological informationYet to rateUsing information to support democracyYet to rateUsing information technology in humanitiesYet to rateUsing information technologyYet to rateUsing information systemsYet to rateUsing information data basesYet to rateUsing informationYet to rateUsing incorrect informationYet to rateUsing computers in educationYet to rateUsing commercial informationYet to rateUsing available information outletsYet to rateUrging industry to publish information on their management of hazardous wasteYet to rateUpdating available services informationYet to rateUndertaking public information campaigns on environmental impact of urban transportationYet to rateTransmitting current available informationYet to rateTransforming environmental information for different user groupsYet to rateTransferring information for sustainable resources use in constructionYet to rateTransferring fishing technology to local communitiesYet to rateTraining professionals in computer information systemsYet to rateTraining information professionalsYet to rateTraining information personnelYet to rateTapping practical information sourcesYet to rateSurveying private sector information on sustainable developmentYet to rateSuppressing scientific informationYet to rateSuppressing information on disastersYet to rateSuppressing information feedbackYet to rateSuppressing information concerning social problemsYet to rateSuppressing information concerning environmental hazardsYet to rateSuppressing information by security classificationYet to rateSuppressing informationYet to rateSupporting regional transfer of chemical safety informationYet to rateSupporting legal selfhelpYet to rateSupporting gathering of industry informationYet to rateSupporting cooperative international arrangements on environmental information among countriesYet to rateSupplying public informationYet to rateSupplying market informationYet to rateSupplying informationYet to rateStudying information theoryYet to rateStudying concealment of information on the extent of povertyYet to rateStrengthening research cooperation and exchange of information on demographic changeYet to rateStrengthening network of national information exchange centres on chemicalsYet to rateStrengthening national centres for information exchange on toxic chemicalsYet to rateStrengthening monopolization of information within organizationsYet to rateStrengthening island information systemsYet to rateStrengthening information networks on water quantity and quality dataYet to rateStrengthening information networksYet to rateStrengthening effective information exchangeYet to rateStrengthening cooperation in the social sciencesYet to rateStoring vital community informationYet to rateStoring informationYet to rateStimulating neighbourhood information flowYet to rateStimulating desire for knowledgeYet to rateStandardizing official news and informationYet to rateSpreading data globallyYet to rateSpeeding up cultural understanding of informationYet to rateSimplifying methods of policy formationYet to rateShifting from energy- to information-intensive societiesYet to rateSharing information about inland aquatic resourcesYet to rateShaping local information flowYet to rateSetting up information systems to detect illegal traffic in hazardous wasteYet to rateSetting communication standardsYet to rateServing as information clearinghouseYet to rateSecuring chemical data from industry for assessing potential risksYet to rateSafeguarding digitized information securityYet to rateRuling on restriction of informationYet to rateReviewing investment dataYet to rateReviewing information on national parksYet to rateRevealing informationYet to rateRestricting information concerning transnational banksYet to rateRestricting informationYet to rateRestricting distribution of confidential government informationYet to rateResearching tsunamisYet to rateResearching network-based information strategiesYet to rateResearching informationYet to rateRequiring relevance in information acquisitionYet to rateReporting truthfullyYet to rateReporting statisticsYet to rateReporting sources of environmental information used by international organizationsYet to rateReporting commercial informationYet to rateReleasing local information channelsYet to rateRegistering informationYet to rateRefining organization of production forcesYet to rateReducing suppression of information concerning social problemsYet to rateReducing information overload during control of complex equipmentYet to rateReducing information overloadYet to rateReducing information barriers due to language differencesYet to rateReducing dissemination of discriminatory informationYet to rateReducing disguised unemploymentYet to rateReducing discriminatory formation of regional trade groupingsYet to rateReducing discriminatory design of information systemsYet to rateReducing cost of knowledgeYet to rateReducing amount of informationYet to rateRecording cultural informationYet to rateRecognizing information role of intergovernmental institutionsYet to ratePublishing scientific informationYet to ratePublishing required current informationYet to ratePublishing regular helpful informationYet to ratePublishing information on companies which generate hazardous wasteYet to ratePublishing informationYet to ratePublicizing international agreementsYet to ratePublicizing informationYet to rateProviding workers with information needed to participate effectively in environmental decision-makingYet to rateProviding waste management information to global information systemsYet to rateProviding visual informationYet to rateProviding training on environmental information technologyYet to rateProviding total information coverageYet to rateProviding technology and training for local environmental information servicesYet to rateProviding technological information for better use of forest productsYet to rateProviding technical backup informationYet to rateProviding sufficient information on eligibility for benefitsYet to rateProviding sufficient informationYet to rateProviding statistical informationYet to rateProviding resource informationYet to rateProviding public transport informationYet to rateProviding public information on waste issuesYet to rateProviding public information on transboundary water pollutionYet to rateProviding public information on the benefits and risks of technologyYet to rateProviding public information on sustainable development in coastal zonesYet to rateProviding public information on rural energy problemsYet to rateProviding public information on national needs for scientific and technological environmental programmesYet to rateProviding public information on medicinesYet to rateProviding public information on integrated plant nutrient programmesYet to rateProviding public information on improving rational use of water resourcesYet to rateProviding public information on impacts of pesticidesYet to rateProviding public information on hazardous waste issuesYet to rateProviding public information on disaster resistant building materialsYet to rateProviding public information on chemical safetyYet to rateProviding public information for water usersYet to rateProviding public access to informationYet to rateProviding public access to environmental informationYet to rateProviding opposition to information from other disciplinesYet to rateProviding medical informationYet to rateProviding local communities with environmental know-howYet to rateProviding knowledge and informationYet to rateProviding information service to membersYet to rateProviding information on social security entitlementsYet to rateProviding information on polymersYet to rateProviding information on mental healthYet to rateProviding information on marine environment legislationYet to rateProviding information on livestock feedsYet to rateProviding information on labour availabilityYet to rateProviding information on insurance mattersYet to rateProviding information on energy industriesYet to rateProviding information and services to young peopleYet to rateProviding information about national strategies to control transboundary air pollutionYet to rateProviding informationYet to rateProviding inadequate public informationYet to rateProviding impact information for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateProviding health information and education to vulnerable groupsYet to rateProviding health informationYet to rateProviding geographical informationYet to rateProviding forums for public informationYet to rateProviding environmental information on the internetYet to rateProviding education for telecommunications sectorYet to rateProviding community information centreYet to rateProviding accurate civic informationYet to ratePromulgating disinformationYet to ratePromoting international freedom of informationYet to ratePromoting information exchangeYet to ratePromoting informationYet to ratePromoting formation of national nongovernmental organizationsYet to ratePromoting contacts among information brokersYet to ratePromoting appropriate national information policiesYet to rateProfessionalizing informationYet to rateProducing official informationYet to rateProducing information leafletsYet to rateProducing informationYet to rateProducing country studiesYet to rateProcessing informationYet to ratePreventing media censorshipYet to ratePreserving informationYet to ratePresenting factual information of social valueYet to ratePreparing comprehensive catalogues of water resource information at different sourcesYet to ratePreaching religionYet to ratePosting declamatory informationYet to ratePlanning national fish market informationYet to rateOrganizing information needed for development purposesYet to rateOrganizing informationYet to rateOrganizing data and insightsYet to rateOrdering skills informationYet to rateOffering contextual informationYet to rateNetworking trade and development NGOsYet to rateNetworking librariesYet to rateNetworking information centres on performing artsYet to rateNetworking information centresYet to rateNetworking global rural developmentYet to rateNetworking administrative informationYet to rateMonitoring status of forest resourcesYet to rateMonitoring securities and commodities exchangeYet to rateMonitoring conservation of coral reefsYet to rateMaximizing local information flowYet to rateMarketing information systemsYet to rateMapping topographic informationYet to rateManipulating public informationYet to rateManaging statistical informationYet to rateManaging newsYet to rateManaging information resourcesYet to rateManaging digital informationYet to rateMaking public information visibleYet to rateMaintaining secrecy of coded informationYet to rateMaintaining science libraryYet to rateMaintaining regional disaster information networkYet to rateMaintaining neutrality of intergovernmental official informationYet to rateMaintaining libraryYet to rateMaintaining database on current awarenessYet to rateMaintaining basic information flowYet to rateMaintaining agricultural genetics databaseYet to rateLocating informationYet to rateLinking different environmental information electronic networksYet to rateLimiting monopolization of information within organizationsYet to rateLimiting limitations to the comprehension of international informationYet to rateLimiting job informationYet to rateLimiting information availabilityYet to rateLimiting freedom of informationYet to rateLimiting availability of public informationYet to rateLimiting availability of functional informationYet to rateLaunching information centreYet to rateInventing expressive formationYet to rateIntegrating public informationYet to rateIntegrating environment performance indicators with financial informationYet to rateInstituting information servicesYet to rateInsider dealingYet to rateInitiating continuous information flowYet to rateInforming on regional legislationYet to rateInforming on agricultural developmentsYet to rateInforming governments of young people's proposalsYet to rateInforming about sustainable agricultureYet to rateInforming about sexually transmitted diseasesYet to rateInforming about infringement of human rightsYet to rateInforming about human rights issuesYet to rateInforming about horticultureYet to rateInforming about HIV/AIDSYet to rateInforming about climate changeYet to rateInflating cost of informationYet to rateIncreasing public information in water resource planningYet to rateIncreasing information exchange on marine and coastal issuesYet to rateIncreasing information exchange on low cost sanitationYet to rateIncreasing information exchangeYet to rateIncreasing availability of public informationYet to rateIncreasing accuracy of official informationYet to rateIncreasing accountability of management of public informationYet to rateIncreasing access to necessary information in remote areasYet to rateIncluding research results in national multisectoral information basesYet to rateImproving telecommunications infrastructureYet to rateImproving statistical information on tourismYet to rateImproving regional demographic informationYet to rateImproving regional consultations and information exchange on implementing Agenda 21Yet to rateImproving public information concerning problemsYet to rateImproving NGO access to informationYet to rateImproving NGO access to data and information on sustainable developmentYet to rateImproving municipal management information systemsYet to rateImproving management informationYet to rateImproving international exchange of information on water management technologyYet to rateImproving inter-island information exchangesYet to rateImproving information systems on toxic chemicalsYet to rateImproving information systems for safety controlYet to rateImproving information systems for international governmental decision-making processesYet to rateImproving information servicesYet to rateImproving information on vocational trainingYet to rateImproving information on funding needsYet to rateImproving information on employment opportunitiesYet to rateImproving information on drugsYet to rateImproving information on bankingYet to rateImproving information for research scientistsYet to rateImproving information for decision making on the environmentYet to rateImproving information exchange among national and international data centres and networksYet to rateImproving information concerning transnational banksYet to rateImproving informationYet to rateImproving forest information systemsYet to rateImproving flow of information among developing countriesYet to rateImproving flow of informationYet to rateImproving exchange of technical information concerning problemsYet to rateImproving exchange of information to avoid international environmental disputesYet to rateImproving educational information servicesYet to rateImproving economic market intelligenceYet to rateImproving developing countries' access to international information systems on chemicalsYet to rateImproving cartographic informationYet to rateImproving availability of informationYet to rateImproving access to informationYet to rateIdentifying sustainable technology information gapsYet to rateHousing informationYet to rateHolding information within a cultureYet to rateHarmonizing international information systemsYet to rateHarmonizing data collection methods for conservation parksYet to rateHandling vast amounts of dataYet to rateGuiding informal leadership formationYet to rateGuaranteeing reporting rights of mediaYet to rateGiving false informationYet to rateGathering transport dataYet to rateGathering important medical informationYet to rateFurnishing varied information formsYet to rateFunding scientific information networks on the environmentYet to rateFreeing up informationYet to rateFreeing up comprehension of international informationYet to rateFreeing up availability of functional informationYet to rateFormalizing on-going information systemYet to rateFighting public misinformationYet to rateFighting misinformation in scienceYet to rateFacilitating international information exchanges on urban transportationYet to rateFacilitating exchange of informationYet to rateFacilitating communicationsYet to rateFacilitating collection of geophysical dataYet to rateExtending local information structuresYet to rateExposing coded secret informationYet to rateExploiting information networksYet to rateExpanding use of information technology for lawYet to rateExpanding technical information servicesYet to rateExpanding scientific information networksYet to rateExpanding public information on waste minimizationYet to rateExpanding public information on protection of the atmosphereYet to rateExpanding public information on cleaner productionYet to rateExpanding labour market information systems on environmental job and training opportunitiesYet to rateExpanding involvement of NGOs in public information and education programmesYet to rateExpanding international information exchange on hazardous wasteYet to rateExpanding international information exchangeYet to rateExpanding information networks on clean technology and waste minimizationYet to rateExpanding information exchange among local authoritiesYet to rateExchanging toxicological informationYet to rateExchanging tourist informationYet to rateExchanging technical informationYet to rateExchanging surgical informationYet to rateExchanging scientific knowledgeYet to rateExchanging research informationYet to rateExchanging physico-chemical information relating to transboundary air pollutionYet to rateExchanging military informationYet to rateExchanging meteorological information on transboundary air pollutionYet to rateExchanging information publications freeYet to rateExchanging information on women's issuesYet to rateExchanging information on transmission processes leading to transboundary air pollutionYet to rateExchanging information on transboundary water pollutionYet to rateExchanging information on safe handling and risk management for biotechnologyYet to rateExchanging information on programmes to reduce toxic chemical riskYet to rateExchanging information on participatory planning of land resourcesYet to rateExchanging information on national use of economic instrumentsYet to rateExchanging information on marine pollution causesYet to rateExchanging information on illegal transboundary movements of dangerous productsYet to rateExchanging information on illegal transboundary movement of hazardous wasteYet to rateExchanging information on geneticsYet to rateExchanging information on costs of control technologies for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateExchanging information on control technologies for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateExchanging information on construction engineeringYet to rateExchanging information on coastal areasYet to rateExchanging information on alternative livelihoodsYet to rateExchanging information among police forcesYet to rateExchanging fisheries informationYet to rateExchanging cultural informationYet to rateExchanging coffee informationYet to rateExchanging biological information relating to transboundary air pollutionYet to rateExchanging best practices for information technologyYet to rateEvaluating toxicological informationYet to rateEvaluating informationYet to rateEstablishing public access networksYet to rateEstablishing international information system on pesticidesYet to rateEstablishing international clearing house for information on waste management and disposalYet to rateEstablishing information flow on natural resourcesYet to rateEstablishing information exchange networks on alternative forms of agricultureYet to rateEstablishing information exchange between securities marketsYet to rateEstablishing information exchangeYet to rateEstablishing comprehensive information structuresYet to rateEstablishing community information networkYet to rateEstablishing clearing houses for environmentally sound technologyYet to rateEstablishing chemical information systemsYet to rateEnsuring NGO access to United Nations system reports and information on UNCED follow-upYet to rateEnsuring full and open sharing of environmental information among scientists and decision-makersYet to rateEnsuring continuous information flowYet to rateEnsuring comprehensive delivery of informationYet to rateEnhancing global security through communicationYet to rateEnabling access to primary sources of informationYet to rateEmploying public information toolsYet to rateEducating public healthYet to rateEducating adults on prevention of communicable diseasesYet to rateDocumenting informationYet to rateDistributing sports documentationYet to rateDistributing specimen informationYet to rateDistributing engineering informationYet to rateDistributing computerized information toolsYet to rateDistributing audiovisual documentationYet to rateDistorting official news and informationYet to rateDistorting corporate news and informationYet to rateDisseminating technology informationYet to rateDisseminating technologyYet to rateDisseminating technological informationYet to rateDisseminating services informationYet to rateDisseminating researchYet to rateDisseminating public events informationYet to rateDisseminating phycological informationYet to rateDisseminating legal informationYet to rateDisseminating land use informationYet to rateDisseminating information on the United NationsYet to rateDisseminating information on riceYet to rateDisseminating information on organic pesticidesYet to rateDisseminating information on international organizationsYet to rateDisseminating information on international labour standardsYet to rateDisseminating information on human valuesYet to rateDisseminating information on global soil degradationYet to rateDisseminating information on food additivesYet to rateDisseminating information on aquatic issuesYet to rateDisseminating informationYet to rateDisseminating industry informationYet to rateDisseminating global events informationYet to rateDisseminating geothermal informationYet to rateDisseminating documentary informationYet to rateDisseminating cooperative informationYet to rateDisseminating biblical pastoral informationYet to rateDisseminating agricultural technological informationYet to rateDisseminating agricultural informationYet to rateDisplacing manpower with information technologyYet to rateDisempowering with informationYet to rateDictating specific family formsYet to rateDeveloping telecommunications networksYet to rateDeveloping national information systemsYet to rateDeveloping mechanisms for efficient and harmonized environmental information exchangeYet to rateDeveloping local information centersYet to rateDeveloping knowledge economyYet to rateDeveloping information technologyYet to rateDeveloping information outputYet to rateDeveloping information networkYet to rateDeveloping information infrastructureYet to rateDeveloping information exchange on carbon dioxide emissionsYet to rateDeveloping guidelines on information technologies for developing countriesYet to rateDeveloping guidelines and mechanisms for rapid transfer of environmental information technologyYet to rateDeveloping databasesYet to rateDeveloping countries through informationYet to rateDeveloping community detection of traffic in hazardous wastesYet to rateDeveloping communication and information policyYet to rateDeveloping available information servicesYet to rateDeveloping Asia and Pacific regionYet to rateDeveloping a global crime prevention information systemYet to rateCreating information source for telecommunicationsYet to rateCreating information exchange networks to improve urban healthYet to rateCreating bioinformaticsYet to rateCreating advisory bodies on public information for sustainable developmentYet to rateCovering up human rights abusesYet to rateCorrecting misinformation on sexual practicesYet to rateCorrecting informationYet to rateCoordinating oceanographic researchYet to rateCoordinating necessary information flowYet to rateCoordinating international sustainable development information programmesYet to rateCoordinating intergovernmental informationYet to rateCoordinating information systemsYet to rateControlling use of computer dataYet to rateControlling information technologyYet to rateConstructing integrated information systemYet to rateConsolidating informationYet to rateConducting epidemiological studiesYet to rateCondemning mutilation and deformation of the human bodyYet to rateConcealing information on the extent of unemploymentYet to rateConcealing information on the extent of povertyYet to rateConcealing information on product manufactureYet to rateConcealing informationYet to rateComputerizing information servicesYet to rateComputerizing informationYet to rateCompiling vital commercial informationYet to rateCompiling statistics on booksYet to rateCompiling socio-economic statisticsYet to rateCompiling information on indigenous land resource conservationYet to rateCompiling inclusive vital informationYet to rateCompiling data on waste managementYet to rateCommunicating projection informationYet to rateCommunicating information researchYet to rateCommunicating informationYet to rateCollecting technological informationYet to rateCollecting meteorological dataYet to rateCollecting information on sustainable strategies of local authoritiesYet to rateCollecting environmental dataYet to rateCollecting drug informationYet to rateClassifying informationYet to rateClarifying official news and informationYet to rateClarifying corporate news and informationYet to rateChannelling appropriate information flowYet to rateCataloguing information servicesYet to rateCataloguing informationYet to rateCataloguing artYet to rateBroadening information mechanismsYet to rateBroadening general information servicesYet to rateBridging information gapYet to rateBridging data gap for sustainable developmentYet to rateAvoiding incompatible informationYet to rateAssuring effective information flowYet to rateAssessing socio-cultural impact of communication technologiesYet to rateAssessing information standardsYet to rateAssessing effectiveness of existing information systems on hazardous wasteYet to rateAppropriating informationYet to rateAppropriating commercial informationYet to rateAnnouncing informationYet to rateAnalysing informationYet to rateAgreeing standards for information exchange on transboundary air pollutionYet to rateAdvancing informationYet to rateAddressing inadequate public information concerning problemsYet to rateAccumulating national security informationYet to rateAccumulating intelligence informationYet to rateAccessing online informationYet to rateAccessing biological collectionsYet to rateAbstaining from public access to information on medicinesYet to rateAbstaining from local information systemsYet to rateAbstaining from informationYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectInformation » InformationContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0980DOCID11309800D7NID190926Last updateDec 2, 2024