Establishing clearing houses for environmentally sound technology

  • Linking global information systems for sustainable technology
  • Developing inventory of information systems on environmentally sound technology
  • Cataloguing clearing houses on appropriate technologies
  • Publishing appropriate energy techniques
  • Disseminating information on resource conservation technologies
  • Disseminating information on sustainable technology
  • Informing about alternative technologies


Encouraging the dissemination of existing environmentally sound technologies.


The Appropriate Technology Project of Volunteers in Asia has compiled 15,000 pages of technical information on appropriate technology, including a bibliography of more than 1,000 books; it also offers 100 new appropriate technology books for US$200.


  1. Using wind power
  2. Using renewable energy resources
  3. Using hydropower
  4. Transferring energy efficient technologies
  5. Restoring environmental damage
  6. Reporting on successful application of environmentally sound technology
  7. Reducing wastage in energy distribution
  8. Reducing fossil fuel use
  9. Reducing dependence of agricultural systems on fossil fuels
  10. Providing information on environmentally sound technology
  11. Monitoring technical developments in national environmental action plans
  12. Linking national patent offices
  13. Increasing energy intensity
  14. Forming environmentally sound technology networks
  15. Facilitating transfer of environmentally sound technologies
  16. Exchanging information to control transboundary air pollution
  17. Employing appropriate technology
  18. Educating about alternative technology
  19. Disseminating information on technology safety and accessibility
  20. Developing technologies which support alternative sources of income
  21. Developing national energy strategies
  22. Developing clean energy devices
  23. Conserving energy in the power sector
  24. Assessing alternative measures for controlling transboundary air pollution
  25. Adopting environmentally sound energy options

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