IllnessIll-effectsBroaderAppropriateness-InappropriatenessUnpresentableProblemNuclear warExcellentLong-term impacts of chemical and biological warfareExcellentHeterosexual infection of women with AIDSExcellentHealth effects of tobacco smokingExcellentFoetal alcohol syndromeExcellentEnvironmentally caused learning disordersExcellentDestabilizing movements of short-term capitalExcellentDependence on social welfareExcellentChromium as a pollutantExcellentAbuse of coca and cocaineExcellentSomatic and psychosomatic effects of torturePresentableSocially disruptive effects of video gamesPresentableRisks of immunizationPresentableRestrictive effects of tradition-bound community decision-makingPresentableRestrictive effects of external capital on developmentPresentableReligious discrimination in educationPresentablePersistent organic pollutantsPresentableOvercrowdingPresentableNeurological effects of torturePresentableNegative social effects of automationPresentableNegative effects of maternityPresentableMutagenic effects of drugsPresentableMedication side effectsPresentableLong-range transboundary air pollutionPresentableIneffectiveness of foreign aidPresentableIll effects of educational failurePresentableHypoxiaPresentableHarmful effects of ultrasonic radiation on the human bodyPresentableHarmful effects of sensory deprivationPresentableHarmful effects of comic strips and picture-story booksPresentableHarmful effects of advertising by transnational corporationsPresentableHarmful biological effects of ionizing radiationPresentableEnvironmental effects of snowmobilesPresentableEnvironmental degradation due to creation of damsPresentableDivisive effects of official cultural pluralismPresentableDivisive effects of formal schoolingPresentableDistorting effects of commodity taxes on the transaction of goods and nonfactor servicesPresentableDisruptions due to migrationPresentableDependence within extended familiesPresentableContamination by natural radiationPresentableAccidental poisoning by systemic agentsPresentableAccidental poisoning by psychotherapeutic drugsPresentableAccidental poisoning by hormonesPresentableAccidental poisoning by haematologic agentsPresentableAccidental poisoning by central nervous system drugsPresentableAccidental poisoning by cardiovascular drugsPresentableAccidental poisoning by autonomic nervous system drugsPresentableAccidental poisoning by analgesicsPresentableLong-term effects of warUnpresentableHazardous combinations of drugsUnpresentableEnvironmental damage from air transportUnpresentableAdverse effects of urbanization on climateUnpresentableAdverse effects of power production on weatherUnpresentableAccidental poisoning by local anaestheticUnpresentableAccidental poisoning by antibioticsUnpresentableUnhygienic conditionsYet to rateUnknown synergistic effectsYet to rateRadiation burnsYet to rateProliferation of second homesYet to rateNegative effects of the nuclear familyYet to rateNegative effects of relative wage rates on youth employmentYet to rateNegative effects of rejectionYet to rateNegative effects of gastronomic fashionsYet to rateNegative effects of family allowancesYet to rateNegative effects of claims of religious infallibilityYet to rateInequality-inducing effects of communications mediaYet to rateAccidental poisoning by sedative medicinesYet to rateAccidental poisoning by musculoskeletal drugsYet to rateAccidental poisoning by gastro-intestinal drugsYet to rateAccidental poisoning by diuretic drugsYet to rateStrategyAssessing health impacts of climate changeExcellentUsing economic instruments to mitigate climate changePresentableUndertaking research on health effects of increasing ultraviolet radiationPresentableUndertaking interdisciplinary research on health effects of climate changePresentableStudying global change and agriculturePresentableStudying causes of urban povertyPresentableResearching effects of air pollution on human healthPresentableResearching ecological effects of climate changePresentableResearching child exposure to environmental hazardsPresentableProviding education materials on effects of hazardous wastePresentablePromoting public education on health effects of climate changePresentablePreparing contingency plans to mitigate the health effects of climate changePresentableMonitoring effects of air pollution on human healthPresentableLinking corporate strategies to employment effectsPresentableInforming about health effects of climate changePresentableIdentifying vulnerable groups for health effects of climate changePresentableEvaluating monitoring systems for health effects of climate changePresentableEvaluating effects of world trade agreements on biodiversity conservationPresentableEvaluating cognitive effects of environmental health hazardsPresentableDeveloping environmental education on transboundary air pollutionPresentableCreating job-multiplying industriesPresentableControlling transboundary effects of water-related diseasePresentableConducting technology assessmentsPresentableStudying effects of warUnpresentableResearching effects of subsistence poverty economyUnpresentableResearching effects of poor living conditionsUnpresentableResearching effects of debilitating poverty imageUnpresentableResearching effects of abandoning the poor to their fateUnpresentableReducing radiation effectsUnpresentableProviding public information on effects of biotechnologyUnpresentablePromoting philosophyUnpresentableDescribing long-term effects of warUnpresentableWarning about medication side effectsYet to rateUsing biological and chemical warfareYet to rateTreating neurological effects of tortureYet to rateTreating long-term effects of cocaine abuseYet to rateTaking measures to mitigate the health effects of increasing ultraviolet radiationYet to rateStudying synergistic effectsYet to rateStudying social changesYet to rateStudying pesticide effects on wildlifeYet to rateStudying performance qualityYet to rateStudying nutritional habitsYet to rateStudying harmful biological effects of ionizing radiationYet to rateStudying effects of poor soil managementYet to rateStudying effects of ozone depletion on global warmingYet to rateStudying causes of youth povertyYet to rateStudying causes of urban fringe povertyYet to rateStudying causes of socio-economic povertyYet to rateStudying causes of segregation of minority population into urban ghettosYet to rateStudying causes of rural povertyYet to rateStudying causes of poor workmanshipYet to rateStudying causes of poor digestionYet to rateStudying causes of poor consumption practicesYet to rateStudying causes of poor competitive standingYet to rateStudying causes of general poor healthYet to rateStudying causes of family povertyYet to rateStudying causes of extreme povertyYet to rateStudying causes of environmental povertyYet to rateStudying causes of children in povertyYet to rateStrengthening cooperation on monitoring effects of hazardous waste managementYet to rateResearching qualityYet to rateResearching negative effects of communications mediaYet to rateResearching medication side effectsYet to rateResearching environmental effects of transboundary air pollutionYet to rateResearching effects of poor working conditionsYet to rateResearching effects of poor vaccination practicesYet to rateResearching effects of poor transport systemsYet to rateResearching effects of poor time-keepingYet to rateResearching effects of poor sanitation facilitiesYet to rateResearching effects of poor money managementYet to rateResearching effects of poor housing constructionYet to rateResearching effects of fiscal policy on innovation of environmental technologiesYet to rateResearching destabilizing effects of international capital mobilityYet to rateReducing petroleum fuel emissions to the atmosphereYet to rateReducing inequality-inducing effects of communications mediaYet to rateReducing adverse atmospheric effects of transportationYet to rateReducing adverse atmospheric effects of resource developmentYet to rateReducing adverse atmospheric effects of industrial developmentYet to rateRecovering from long-term effects of warYet to ratePublicizing negative effects of family planning educationYet to rateProviding impact information for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateProviding family allowancesYet to rateProtecting environmental health from effects of genetic recombinationYet to rateProtecting children from environmental tobacco smokeYet to ratePreventing disasters involving animalsYet to ratePreserving inequality-inducing effects of communications mediaYet to ratePreparing contingency plans to mitigate effects of climate changeYet to rateOvercoming negative effects of rejectionYet to rateNeutralizing negative social effects of automationYet to rateNeutralizing negative environmental effects of foreign aidYet to rateNeutralizing negative effects of the nuclear familyYet to rateNeutralizing negative effects of family allowancesYet to rateNeutralizing negative effectsYet to rateMonitoring environmental effects of transboundary air pollutionYet to rateMonitoring effects of transboundary pollution in vegetationYet to rateMonitoring effects of transboundary air pollution in waterYet to rateMonitoring effects of transboundary air pollution in soilYet to rateMonitoring adverse effects of hazardous wastesYet to rateMitigating undesirable effects of migrationYet to rateMitigating social consequences of structural adjustment programmesYet to rateMitigating adverse effects of dammingYet to rateManaging hot weather violenceYet to rateManaging crisesYet to rateMaking warfare less inhumanYet to rateInforming about effects of nuclear warYet to rateInforming about climate changeYet to rateInforming about adverse effects of vaccinationYet to rateIdentifying effects of nitrogen oxide emissions on the environmentYet to rateIdentifying effects of nitrogen oxide emissions on human healthYet to rateExpanding international programmes for mitigating effects of droughtYet to rateEvaluating effects of globalization on biodiversity conservationYet to rateEnsuring national policies account for environmental effectsYet to rateDocumenting conflictYet to rateDenying negative effects of intensive animal husbandryYet to rateDemonstrating restrictive effects of external capital on developmentYet to rateCreating economic multiplier effectsYet to rateControlling effects of biological and chemical warfareYet to rateConducting research on the health effects of hazardous wastes in developing countriesYet to rateCampaigning against of supermarketsYet to rateAssisting coastal States to assess effects of additional ultraviolet radiationYet to rateAssessing marine biological effects of increased ultraviolet radiationYet to rateAssessing likely effects of climate change on the coastal environmentYet to rateAssessing environmental effects of national waste management policiesYet to rateAssessing effects on farm families of technical innovationYet to rateAssessing effects of ozone layer depletion on plantsYet to rateAssessing effects of ozone layer depletion on living organismsYet to rateAssessing effects of ozone layer depletion on animalsYet to rateAssessing effects of climate change on freshwater resources and flood controlYet to rateAffirming positive social effects of automationYet to rateAffirming positive environmental effects of foreign aidYet to rateAffirming positive effects of the extended familyYet to rateAddressing unexpected combined effects of problemsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectMedicine ยป PathologyContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND2789DOCID11427890D7NID192737Last updateDec 19, 2024