Threatened species of Insecta

  • Endangered species of insects
  • Insects under threat of extinction


The special function of many species in the stability of the ecosystem is not well known, nor is it known how many insect species are endangered by man's impact on the natural environment. Estimates of the number of species of insects vary from 700,000 to 2 million. They represent about 80% of known animal life and are very widespread and adaptable. In the temperate zone for example, an average acre of soil may have over 4 million insects. Only a few thousand species are such as to affect man's activities in a manner which requires some form of control measures.


A well-documented German study, released in the journal PLOS One in 2017, revealed that in the last 27 years, the flying insect biomass measured in protected German nature reserves declined an average of 76%, with an 82% drop during the midsummer season, when insect populations should be thriving. Another study found that Germany experienced a 15% drop in its bird population over the last decade. Clearly, an insect collapse also affects the birds who feed on them.


  1. Increasing habitat destruction is undoubtedly the most significant threat to many species of insects and results from forestry, agriculture, and industrial, urban and recreational development. The point has been reached where a code for collecting should be considered in the interests of conservation of the insect fauna.


  1. Threatened species of Zoraptera
  2. Threatened species of Trichoptera
  3. Threatened species of Thysanura
  4. Threatened species of Thrips
  5. Threatened species of Strepsiptera
  6. Threatened species of Siphonaptera
  7. Threatened species of Raphidioptera
  8. Threatened species of Psocoptera
  9. Threatened species of Protura
  10. Threatened species of Plecoptera
  11. Threatened species of Phasmatoptera
  12. Threatened species of Orthorrhapha
  13. Threatened species of Orthoptera
  14. Threatened species of Odonata
  15. Threatened species of Neuroptera
  16. Threatened species of Nematocera
  17. Threatened species of Megaloptera
  18. Threatened species of Mecoptera
  19. Threatened species of Mallophaga
  20. Threatened species of Lepidoptera
  21. Threatened species of Isoptera
  22. Threatened species of Hymenopterans
  23. Threatened species of Hemiptera
  24. Threatened species of Grylloblattodea
  25. Threatened species of Ephemeroptera
  26. Threatened species of Embioptera
  27. Threatened species of Diptera
  28. Threatened species of Diplura
  29. Threatened species of Dictyoptera
  30. Threatened species of Dermaptera
  31. Threatened species of Cyclorrhapha
  32. Threatened species of Collembola
  33. Threatened species of Coleoptera
  34. Threatened species of Brachycera
  35. Threatened species of Anoplura
  36. Extinct species of Titanoptera
  37. Extinct species of Protorthoptera
  38. Extinct species of Protodonata
  39. Extinct species of Protelytroptera
  40. Extinct species of Perielytrodea
  41. Extinct species of Palaeodictyoptera
  42. Extinct species of Miomoptera
  43. Extinct species of Megasecoptera
  44. Extinct species of Glosselytrodea
  45. Extinct species of Diaphanopterodea
  46. Extinct species of Caloneurodea
  47. Extinct species of Archaeoptera

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