Proliferation of commercialism

  • Commercialization of society
  • Mercantilism


Individuals or societies are becoming more and more dominated by acquisitiveness and valuing all things in terms of prices in the market.


Mercantilism is the theory or practice of mercantile pursuits. It is an economic system that developed in the 17 century with the rise of the modern centralized nation state and was intended to increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by strict regulation of the national economy, usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion, a favourable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies.


  1. The idea that everything is for sale and nothing is sacred – that all values are subjective – undercuts our own moral and cultural commitments, not just those of tribal and traditional communities.

  2. The cost of a thing is not what the market will bear but what the individual must bear because of it; it is "the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run".


  1. Trafficking in women
  2. Traffic in persons
  3. Slave trade
  4. Prostitution
  5. Globalization of consumerism
  6. Excessive commercialization of the media
  7. Consumerism
  8. Commodification of fantasy
  9. Commercialization of water
  10. Commercialization of tourism
  11. Commercialization of the airwaves
  12. Commercialization of social security
  13. Commercialization of research
  14. Commercialization of religion
  15. Commercialization of politics
  16. Commercialization of nature
  17. Commercialization of nationality acquisition
  18. Commercialization of knowledge
  19. Commercialization of justice
  20. Commercialization of fund raising
  21. Commercialization of family relationships
  22. Commercialization of culture
  23. Commercialization of crime-prevention
  24. Commercialization of athletic activities and sports events
  25. Commercialization of art
  26. Commercial surrogate mothers
  27. Commercial exploitation of health
  28. Commercial exploitation of education

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