Outmoded functional skills in rural communities

  • Deskilling of rural communities


The problem of "outmoded functional skills in rural communities" refers to the outdated and inadequate skill sets prevalent in rural areas that hinder socio-economic development and progress. Rural communities often face challenges in accessing quality education, training, and resources, leading to a lack of updated functional skills. This can include limited proficiency in areas such as technology, entrepreneurship, healthcare, and communication. The absence of modernized skills hampers the ability of individuals and communities to adapt to changing economic, social, and technological landscapes, resulting in limited employment opportunities and reduced competitiveness. Addressing this problem requires targeted interventions to provide rural communities with access to relevant education, training, and resources that empower individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in the modern world.
Source: ChatGPT v3.5


Rural residents have poor access to the acquisition of technological expertise. Old methods are dying out as resources became more scarce, but training for new means of livelihood tends to be the responsibility of employers in urban areas. Where there are volunteer teachers in practical skills, these tend to be only partially trained themselves and therefore do not have the confidence of the community. For most, practical vocational training is only within the family, as youth become apprentices to parents of relatives who are craftsmen.

There is a lack of knowledge of even the most rudimentary procedures for dealing adequately in emergency health situations; traditional food preparation and eating patterns prevent the greatest nutritional value from being drawn from existing resources; the good health vital for change is further compromised by unsanitary animal care. Adult training is at best simply the perpetuation of traditional knowledge and skills; apprenticeship schemes transmit to the coming generation methods which are identical to those practised by their parents and there is no effective access to new wisdom or methods.


The problem of "Outmoded functional skills in rural communities" is an alarming crisis that threatens the very fabric of these societies. With rapid advancements in technology and changing economic landscapes, rural residents are left behind, lacking the essential skills needed to thrive in the modern world. This dire situation not only perpetuates socio-economic inequalities but also hampers the potential for growth and development, trapping these communities in a perpetual cycle of stagnation and isolation. Urgent action is imperative to address this escalating issue and provide rural residents with the necessary tools to break free from the shackles of outdated skills.
Source: ChatGPT v3.5


While it is true that some rural communities may have a slower pace of technological advancement and a focus on traditional skills, it would be unfair to deny the importance of these functional skills. Rural communities often rely on these skills for their livelihood, such as farming, agriculture, and craftsmanship. Additionally, functional skills are deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of these communities and are passed down through generations, contributing to their unique identity. Therefore, it can be argued that these skills are not outmoded but rather an integral part of rural communities' way of life.
Source: ChatGPT v3.5

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