Economic underdevelopment

  • Underdeveloped economy
  • Low economic development


The economic underdevelopment of a country can be measured on its balance sheet and by its gross national product; but in human terms it is the standard of living (as measured by comparative per capita figures) and the vital statistics for birth, health and death, that show what poverty brings. Economic underdevelopment not only means that the health of the people is affected, but also that local education and training and the importation of technologies for increased productively cannot be paid for. Thus there is no way out; and underdevelopment continues, maintained by expensive loans and inappropriate technology transfers.


Gross national product on a per capita basis in USA dollars show that in 1980, the high-income oil exporting countries of the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia ranged from 27,000 to 11,000; and the industrial economies, market and non-market, from 16,000 to 4,000. Over thirty economically underdeveloped countries had GNPs of less than 500; another twenty of less than 1000. Switzerland, with the highest figures for a non-oil exporter, had $16,440; while the lowest was Bhutan with $80 per person.


  1. Unrelated pioneer institutions
  2. Undiversified national economies
  3. Underparticipation of countries in the communications industry
  4. Underdevelopment of industrial and economic activities
  5. Uncoordinated development of economic sectors
  6. Restrictions on foreign access to capital bond markets
  7. Limited national credit accessibility
  8. Lack of processing industry for primary commodities
  9. Lack of economic adaptation of indigenous systems
  10. Ineffective economic structures in industrial nations
  11. Inadequate trade-related structural adjustments
  12. Inadequate savings
  13. Inadequate investment in capacity building
  14. Inadequate economic policy-making
  15. Inadequate development of enterprises in developing countries
  16. Inaccessible commercial and financial services
  17. Excessive dependence on export credits
  18. Environmental poverty
  19. Economic inefficiency
  20. Economic dependence
  21. Domestic market restrictions
  22. Distortionary tax systems
  23. Disadvantages of mechanized food production in developing countries
  24. Dependence on customs revenue
  25. Defaults on international loans
  26. Arrested development of labour potential


  1. Uniting developing regions
  2. Undertaking local infrastructure development projects
  3. Unbalancing economies between industrialized and developing countries
  4. Renewing local economy
  5. Providing social needs of developing countries
  6. Providing economic policy advice to developing countries
  7. Providing additional gathering places
  8. Preparing national environmental synopses
  9. Investigating equitable economic growth
  10. Increasing international economic cooperation
  11. Improving skill base of rural women
  12. Fostering economic cooperation among developing countries
  13. Forming transnational economy
  14. Envisioning economic futures
  15. Enabling economic cooperatives
  16. Documenting population trends
  17. Diversifying economies in developing countries
  18. Developing sustainable economic systems
  19. Developing human resources to protect vulnerable groups
  20. Developing human resources to meet primary health care needs
  21. Developing human resources to control communicable diseases
  22. Developing human resources
  23. Developing economically
  24. Developing economic indicators of human development
  25. Developing economic goods and services
  26. Developing corporate social engagement
  27. Developing context for social interaction
  28. Developing citizen economic productivity
  29. Developing broader regional familiarity
  30. Building demographic factors into national policies for sustainable development
  31. Balancing economies between industrialized and developing countries

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