Threatened species of Liliopsida

  • Threatened species of Monocotyledonae
  • Threatened species of Monocotyledones


The 'Cronquist System' of flowering plant classification groups flowering plants (Magnoliophyta) into two classes (monocots and dicots) with related orders (groups of families) placed in subclasses. (see Arthur Cronquist, 1988 The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants).

The 'Takhtajan System' of flowering plant classification treats flowering plants as a division or phylum (Magnoliophyta) with two classes (monocots and dicots) which are organized into subclasses. Higher level organization is similar to the Cronquist System, but a bit more complex. Takhtajan uses the superorder as the basic unit of the subclass and this pattern of organization is also used in the Thorne System of flowering plant classification (see Armen Takhtajan, 1997, Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants).

Thorne treats the flowering plants at the rank of class with an initial bifurcation into two subclasses. Related orders are placed within each subclass as superorders and, within these, clusters of related families are grouped into suborders. There is detailed classification (subfamilies, tribes) for larger families.


  1. Threatened species of Zingiberidae
  2. Threatened species of Trilliaceae
  3. Threatened species of Trichopodaceae
  4. Threatened species of Thismiaceae
  5. Threatened species of Tecophilaeaceae
  6. Threatened species of Streptochaetaceae
  7. Threatened species of Ruscaceae
  8. Threatened species of Roxburghiaceae
  9. Threatened species of Ripogonaceae
  10. Threatened species of Rhipogonaceae
  11. Threatened species of Phormiaceae
  12. Threatened species of Philesiaceae
  13. Threatened species of Petermanniaceae
  14. Threatened species of Nypaceae
  15. Threatened species of Melanthiaceae
  16. Threatened species of Lomandraceae
  17. Threatened species of Liliidae
  18. Threatened species of Lilaeaceae
  19. Threatened species of Lanariaceae
  20. Threatened species of Ixioliriaceae
  21. Threatened species of Hypoxidaceae
  22. Threatened species of Hyacinthaceae
  23. Threatened species of Hostaceae
  24. Threatened species of Herreriaceae
  25. Threatened species of Hemerocallidaceae
  26. Threatened species of Eriospermaceae
  27. Threatened species of Elodeaceae
  28. Threatened species of Ecdeiocoleaceae
  29. Threatened species of Dracaenaceae
  30. Threatened species of Doryanthaceae
  31. Threatened species of Dasypogonaceae
  32. Threatened species of Cypripediaceae
  33. Threatened species of Croomiaceae
  34. Threatened species of Convallariaceae
  35. Threatened species of Commelinidae
  36. Threatened species of Colchicaceae
  37. Threatened species of Cartonemataceae
  38. Threatened species of Calectasiaceae
  39. Threatened species of Blandfordiaceae
  40. Threatened species of Asteliaceae
  41. Threatened species of Asphodelaceae
  42. Threatened species of Asparagaceae
  43. Threatened species of Arecidae
  44. Threatened species of Apostasiaceae
  45. Threatened species of Aphyllanthaceae
  46. Threatened species of Anthericaceae
  47. Threatened species of Anomochloaceae
  48. Threatened species of Anarthriaceae
  49. Threatened species of Amaryllidaceae
  50. Threatened species of Alstroemeriaceae
  51. Threatened species of Aloaceae
  52. Threatened species of Alliaceae
  53. Threatened species of Alismatidae
  54. Threatened species of Agapanthaceae
  55. Threatened species of Acoraceae

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