Occupational health risks

  • Health hazards of work
  • Occupational risk to health


The increased mechanization and complexity of modern work processes has led to a variety of threats to human health. The result is considerable human suffering and economic losses both to the individual and his employer. In developing countries, where skilled labour is scarce, occupational health is of particular importance.

The working environment itself causes occupational disease and injuries, fatigue, unsatisfactory man/machine relationships and physiological stresses. Risks are greater among the migrant workers who have no vocational training or industrial experience and whose illiteracy and ignorance make it difficult to understand written or oral instructions. Exposure to typical high temperatures or to high humidity causes heat stress. Special problems may also arise in connection with work at high altitudes or in thick forests.


In the USA, the direct costs of injuries and illnesses cost $65 billion, and indirect costs, such as lost wages, $106 billion per year. Approximately 1.8 million workers per year develop injuries related to work, and a third of them miss work because of their problems. At least 100,000 workers die each year - and three or four times that number are disabled - as a result of occupational disease attributed to new chemicals, many untested for safety, being introduced into industrial products and processes. In 1992, occupational illnesses such as lung cancer and lead poisoning caused 60,300 deaths and 862,000 illnesses.

A 1993 survey found that nearly 1 in 5 US workers had job-related back pain for a week or more during the previous year, and 22% had trouble with their hands (including carpal tunnel syndrome).


  1. Job-related injuries and illnesses cost the USA more than AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, cancer or heart disease.


  1. Vibrations as a health hazard
  2. Short duration of athletic careers
  3. Occupational risks and hazards of the medical profession
  4. Occupational psychopathology
  5. Occupational illness of musicians
  6. Occupational hazards to workers in small industries
  7. Occupational hazards in commerce and offices
  8. Occupational diseases
  9. Heavy manual work
  10. Health risks to workers in transport, storage and communication industries
  11. Health risks to workers in service industries
  12. Health risks to workers in manufacturing industries
  13. Health risks to workers in electricity, gas, water and sanitary services
  14. Health risks to workers in chemical industries
  15. Health risks to workers in agricultural and livestock production
  16. Health hazards of passive smoking
  17. Health hazards of kneeling
  18. Health hazards of aniline dyes
  19. Health hazards in the metals industries
  20. Health hazards in the glass industry
  21. Health disorders of athletes
  22. Excessive hours of work
  23. Dust explosions
  24. Dangerous occupations
  25. Carbon monoxide as a health hazard

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