Dust storms

Dust storm
Dust storm (wikipedia.org)


A dust storm, also called a sandstorm, is a meteorological phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions. Dust storms arise when a gust front or other strong wind blows loose sand and dirt from a dry surface. Fine particles are transported by saltation and suspension, a process that moves soil from one place and deposits it in another. The arid regions of North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and China are the main terrestrial sources of airborne dust. It has been argued that poor management of Earth's drylands, such as neglecting the fallow system, are increasing the size and frequency of dust storms from desert margins and changing both the local and global climate, as well as impacting local economies. The term sandstorm is used most often in the context of desert dust storms, especially in the Sahara Desert, or places where sand is a more prevalent soil type than dirt or rock, when, in addition to fine particles obscuring visibility, a considerable amount of larger sand particles are blown closer to the surface. The term dust storm is more likely to be used when finer particles are blown long distances, especially when the dust storm affects urban areas.
Source: Wikipedia


Dust storms are, at the least, disagreeable, but may also cause considerable damage. People in villages, towns, and cities as well as rural inhabitants undergo inconveniences and sometimes serious illness or suffocation. Fences, ditches, and channels are blocked or buried and farmsteads are rendered uninhabitable. Grass, trees, shrubs, and hedges may be smothered or buried. Insects and weed seeds are often carried to clean fields. Railways and roads are sometimes blocked by dust. Covering of established crops or pasturage by drifting dust may result in crop damage. Dust storms have other serious consequences in obstructing vision and in causing soil erosion, electrostatic discharges and radio static.

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