Deficient communal mandate

  • Absence of community consensus
  • Inadequate procedures for community planning


The increasing complexity of community concerns gives rise to a need for comprehensive planning and for a network of local organizations. However, most communities have no stated community plan; a few individuals and organizations bear the full weight of making decisions and taking actions for the whole community. Often no single group has the knowledge or sources to take all factors into account before making a decision. Decisions must often be made quickly, frequently in a vacuum as the overall wishes of the community are unknown. The absence of broad community planning and of channels for implementing such plans leads to lack of consensus on issues and difficulty in organizing support for those who lead community programmes. Unsupported leaders become disillusioned and withdraw from further community involvement, thus depriving the community of their creativity. This waning of leadership willingness is accompanied by reluctance of new leadership to emerge.


  1. At a time when the need for a cooperative effort to achieve economic and social development is coming to be understood, many small communities are deeply split. Decision-making typified by protection of private interest and failure to actually implement proposals lead to resentment of individual initiatives and a cynical attitude toward community participation. Because of these attitudes, few organizations or events enjoy the support of the entire community.

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